Let's Talk:
(402) 413-5466
Learn More About Our Experienced Paranormal Investigators
Angie J.​
Founder / Lead Investigator
An Executive Job Search Coach by day and paranormal researcher by night. Angie recognized the need for a highly skilled team of paranormal investigators in 2015 and has been investigating the paranormal for nearly 20 years.
Angie and members of her team have been to some of the country's most haunted locations including:
Jim R.
​Sr. Paranormal Investigator / Case Manager
Becky R.
Sr. Paranormal Investigator / Case Manager
Jim's technical skills and attention to detail is perfect for analyzing evidence collected during our investigations.
Jim has worked as both an EMT and a Radio Host.
Becky is a small business owner who by day is busy running her bakery and raising their kids both biological and foster.
She is highly sensitive to subtle perceptions and energies. Energy coming from a person, place or thing.
Rebecca D.
Sr. Paranormal Investigator

Kathy M.
Sr. Paranormal Investigator /
Case Manager
Rebecca G. is a retired Homeland Security Officer and a trained paralegal. One of her areas of expertise is investigation and research where she has won many awards for her abilities.
Her natural curiosity drives her to gather and analyze data to see if claims of the paranormal can logically be explained. Helping others is her priority in life.
Mike B.
Paranormal Investigator
Mike has been interested in the paranormal since childhood.
Kathy joined the team nearly five years ago and is an avid paranormal investigator. She works as a Case Manager by day for the Dept. of Corrections and spends every vacation investigating some of the country's most haunted locations.
A sampling of the locations she has investigated include the Gettysburg Battlefield, Villisca Axe Murder House, The Washoe Club, Malvern Manor, The Crescent Moon Hotel, and the Belvoir Winery.
Tara G.
Paranormal Investigator
Tara's journey with the paranormal began as a curious teenager exploring old buildings and cemeteries. Over the years, she has collaborated with paranormal experts, attended conferences, and workshops to expand her knowledge and improve her techniques.
Tara's mission is to bridge the gap between the living and the departed, unraveling mysteries that bind us to the otherside. With compassion and respect, her goal is to bring solace to both the haunted and the curious.